Some people have good weekends. We have weekends that are shit.
It started out as a dull week: the usual chores on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday was physiotherapy for James. We had our usual doughnut on the way home, substituting for that night's dessert.
Thursday was shopping.
Anyway, Friday we went to Costco to stock up (Kleenex, toilet tissue, etc.). We had lunch at Dragon168. And James had his "two-weeks-after-the-infusion" blood test.
Kaiser called us at 11 p.m. This is always bad news. We didn't make it to the phone on time, so we ran to the test results online. Yes, it was. Not only was his iron still low, but his creatitine was 4.5! When we called Kaiser back, they had no idea why the person had called. Apparently the call was not logged properly.
Saturday morning things got worse. James had taken a little tumble in the kitchen last week, but he'd landed on his butt. His knee was hurting so bad he couldn't scoot to the stairs and we had to call the firemen again. Well, Saturday morning he went to sit on the stool we keep in the kitchen so he can sit when he cooks. He missed the chair and landed plunk on his right hip and thigh, and pushed against the pantry bifold doors so hard he pulled the nails half out of each hinge.
Although he was in pain, he was able to scootch himself to the stairs and stand up. He sat down and took some Tylenol, but the pain just remained the same all day. Every time he had to go to the bathroom he grunted in pain. He was in such bad shape I thought he'd say it was time to go to Urgent Care, but he didn't. Hoping some rest would help, we went to bed early, and, instead of his hobbling to the bathroom during the night, I had him call me and I cathed him instead. James goes four to six times during the night, and this night we did a four. I was bung-eyed in the morning, and he was no better, so we had breakfast and went to Urgent Care.
There was no one there on a Sunday, so we got right in and they took an X-ray. Thank goodness, he did not break anything, so they say, but he has badly aggravated his arthritis. They did not recommend pain medication, so he limped painfully home, up the stairs, and took a two-hour nap.
(TMI warning!) We had noticed for the last few days that while James' urine was clear, it was darker and had a peculiar odor; he thought it was like mushrooms, I thought Campbell's hearty beef stew. Well, when I cathed him from bed the first time Sunday night, it was dark. Very very dark. Then he said screw it and limped to the bathroom the next time. Not only dark, but opaque.
So guess what, back to Urgent Care Monday after breakfast. We didn't wait long and they basically took one look at his urine (even though the specimen was not dark) and gave him an IV antibiotic, then sent us home with three doses of Fosfomycin.
We are hoping this is why the creatitine was so high. Otherwise we are at a loss: he is urinating fine, more than his input, his weight is down...
Labels: chores, health, injuries, sickness
. . . . . noted and logged by Linda at
6:42:00 PM