And the big news is: Strange New Worlds is back! I think this is now tied with Lower Decks as my favorite new Star Trek iteration. (Although Picard season three was pretty wonderful, with Amanda Plummer killing it as a deranged villain.) Is it me, or does Anson Mount's hair get higher with every series? LOL.
We have begun our prep for LibertyCon, interrupted by a visit from the exterminator—so needed, as little roaches are now entering through the back door to get to Tucker's water. I at least find them dead, so that's good!
So there was good stuff: a trip to Books-a-Million and a stop at BJs on the way back (I bought more maple syrup, as, with having oatmeal every morning, we use it up at a good clip and Costco only has "rich" flavor (previously known as "dark amber") and BJ's has "robust" (formerly known as "Grade B"). The more "maple-y" it is, the better. I always laugh when Gladys Taber gushes over the light golden maple syrup in her books! You might as well be eating Kayro syrup.
And there was crap: James had overextended himself putting some stuff away and had chest pains. Of course...previous heart attacks...we had to go to Urgent Care (third time in eight days!). They did tests. He was okay. But they say he still has a UTI, so they're talking about more IV antibiotics...
And then sad online news the day before Father's Day.
James and I were both big fans of a Discovery Channel series called Flying Wild Alaska. The three-season series was about the operations of ERA, an airline that served the residents and surrounding area of Unalakleet, Alaska. Whether flying supplies to Barrow or Little Diomede Island, or transporting Native Alaskan sports teams, or bringing in items from "the Lower 48," the series was always a joy to watch. The main characters were Jim Tweto (originally from New Hampshire), his Native Alaskan wife Ferno, and their daughter Ariel (daughter Ayla also occasionally appeared), the latter who conceived the series, and the other pilots.
On Saturday the 17th, the day before Father's Day, Jim Tweto and a friend, Scott, took off in Jim's beloved Cessna 180. The plane had trouble gaining altitude and then crashed, killing both of them. ::sigh:: As James said, at least he died doing what he loved, but still very sad.
Labels: conventions, death, food, health, shopping, television
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11:25:00 PM