Yet Another Journal

Nostalgia, DVDs, old movies, television, OTR, fandom, good news and bad, picks, pans,
cute budgie stories, cute terrier stories, and anything else I can think of.

 Contact me at theyoungfamily (at) earthlink (dot) net

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» Friday, May 25, 2018
Cleanup City
So I finally went out last weekend and bought a battery-powered hedge cutter. I should have done it years ago; I've probably killed as many heavy-duty electrical cords with the electric one as the battery-powered one cost. Monday morning I plugged in the battery and went to work on the bushes. It works a treat; the hardest part was cleaning up the cut-off branches. I had to quit when the sun worked its way around to the front of the house, but St. Francis can see out again.

Later on that day I finally shelved all those books in the library, and packed my work stuff in a Xerox paper box. Doesn't take care of it, but gets it out of the way.

Later in the week I pulled my "old" typewriter (old being an operative word, as my manual Smith Corona went the way of the dodo bird in the early 1980s; its replacement, the electric typewriter "Treasure" in the late 1980s—this was an electric typewriter I bought at Lechmere about 1989 or 1990) out of the closet, just to see if it worked. Surprisingly, it did, but only for a few minutes, and then I started getting error messages out of it. Not sure why. But that keyboard still felt good! You can't get a typewriter keyboard feel even with a clicky computer keyboard.

Otherwise I've been cleaning up little things: washing floors, scrubbing bathrooms, the like, and went to a doctor's appointment with James.

Tossed off a small watercolor painting this week, too. My weaknesses are all very evident.

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