![]() Nostalgia, DVDs, old movies, television, OTR, fandom, good news and bad, picks, pans, cute budgie stories, cute terrier stories, and anything else I can think of. Contact me at theyoungfamily (at) earthlink (dot) net . . . . . . . . . .
» Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Simple Woman's Daybook
![]() FOR TODAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2011 Outside my window... I see darkness. It has been a busy day and I have finally had a chance to sit down to write. After dinner I started watching the film Driving Miss Daisy and was immediately drawn into its world. This is such a sweet, charming film, and, as always, I was in tears by the end. I am thinking... I wish I could sleep late tomorrow. I know that sounds terribly prosaic, but I got little sleep last night because it was so warm (despite a ceiling fan and two smaller fans). I am thankful for... it being cooler tonight. :-) Spring is coming entirely too quickly for me. From the kitchen... James made a delicious supper tonight, despite not feeling good (he has a low-grade fever), cubes of pork with diced tomatoes, mushrooms, and a little bit of wine. On the side we had whole wheat rotini, and for dessert more chocolate angel food cake. I am wearing... "Mutts" pajamas and white socks, my lounge wear for those times between sweatsuit and tank-top and shorts. I am creating... I'm in a lull in creation just now, although there are always cross-stitch projects I haven't finished. The Christmas wreath I began before the holiday is still unfinished. [Update 2/23: I felt like a sloth writing that, so today during lunch I finished one of the two wooden trays which have sat unfinished for several years. These are unpainted trays from Michaels. The handles and sides are painted barn red, and on the flat "serving" surface I have put autumn-themed scrapbook paper, using Modge-Podge to glue it down and then seal it. M-P makes a nice seal, but I'm certainly glad the windows are open, because boy, does it stink when it's wet.] I am going... to cope with a couple of problems tomorrow at work. They were a thorn in my side today, so I want to get them completed tomorrow. It's a good thing my car is not an animate creature, or it would have kicked me out for all the complaining I do to it after work! I am reading... Side Jobs by Jim Butcher, a collection of almost all of the Harry Dresden short stories. I've been reading all the Dresden books since the first, Storm Front, came out umpety-ump years ago. The newest book is due out in paperback next week. I already know the shocker ending, but I can't wait to read how we got to that point. I am hoping... James will feel better. He's been having problems since the fall; I am pretty sure his CPAP machine is no longer doing the job properly. It took him until this month to get an appointment with the sleep clinic, and now he doesn't get another machine to test with for another ten days. Something's got to give, as he's not sleeping properly. I am hearing... the local news while waiting for the weather report. Around the house... It needs tidying. Again. It's like the "old Amish saying," "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get." The more I tidy, the more another mess seems to take its place. One of my favorite things... Just finished watching it: the television series Castle. Ironically, I wasn't one of the fans of Firefly who came to this series because of Nathan Fillion; we have the Firefly DVD set, but have only watched a few episodes, which we have enjoyed. But a series about a mystery writer who gets involved in real crimes? How could I resist? And I'm simply envious of Molly Quinn...I would have killed to look like that at her age, and I've always wanted red hair. A few plans for the rest of the week: Work, after a four-day weekend. Well, we have "Hair Day" on Saturday, but still haven't decided on what we will bring. The main course is lamb. I suppose there's always mint jelly. :-) Here is picture for thought I am sharing... ![]() I know some folks are still having "too much winter" and are already sick of it. I doubt if I could cope with a foot or more of snow any longer. But this photo looks so warm and cozy. I love winter because of the warm arms a winter home wraps around one. The brisk breezes of autumn and the cold air of winter awakens me, and it is sad to think of going back into torpid, miserable summer temperatures, when I feel half asleep and half aware, with nothing to look forward to but bugs, perspiration, and headaches from the sun. This is a photo I could walk into and be happy. Labels: Simple Woman's Daybook |