![]() Nostalgia, DVDs, old movies, television, OTR, fandom, good news and bad, picks, pans, cute budgie stories, cute terrier stories, and anything else I can think of. Contact me at theyoungfamily (at) earthlink (dot) net . . . . . . . . . .
» Saturday, April 26, 2008
In One Day and Out the Other
The "in" day was yesterday, since I had to work; it wasn't as frustrating as the other day I complained about, but several things were left unfinished and how I do hate that! I also don't like being manipulated, which is basically what was happening. After being out there moving in past midnight (meaning, of course, Willow kept giving a litany of short barks even though they were not noisy), our new neighbors were there with another load today. Wil and I took our lunchtime walk and the lady of the house waved and said hi and commented on Willow's whiskery face. As they were trotting things into the house, our lawn guy arrived. Well, the landlord hadn't been keeping up the yard of the house next door very well, so by the time the afternoon was over, Paolo had himself a new customer (actually two, since the folks two houses over also got in on the deal). And I was doubly glad I'd insisted on the fence with the wide gate, since they have a riding mower now. After I was done with work I watched Bush Christmas, which I recorded last Christmas Eve and never got around to watching. This is the 1940s version, a charming classic tale of four resourceful Australian children and a British evacuee who go hunting horse thieves before the holiday. James got in late and we went to Oriental Cafe for supper. I got the sesame chicken, which comes with the most meat, so now I have two small meals of sesame chicken and white rice for next week. We also stopped at Borders and I bought the first Guido Bernetti mystery since Dani has spoken so highly of them. After the ten o'clock news was over we watched Jeopardy recorded on the DVR, and when we shut that off, Jay Leno was just finishing "Jaywalking" and announced the next guest would be Hugh Laurie! Woot! Lucky me! (Can you record stuff off the DVR?) This morning James' alarm clock went off at 8:45 since he had to go in to work and I realized with amazement that I'd actually managed to sleep 7 3/4 hours. I haven't done that in weeks! Amazing how much brighter the world seems when you've had enough sleep. I grabbed a SlimFast Meal Bar and had some milk and was off in a long, narrow ellipse of a route, out to East Cobb. Stopped at Trader Joe's for various staples and also bought some microwavable brown rice, plus a demi baguette and some salami slices that had "lunch" written all over them. However, I didn't get to my lunch until way later. After a brief stop at Fuzziwigs, I went to the East Cobb Borders. Bought a WWI-set book that's been eyeing me for a while :-), and also a book I thought my mother-in-law would enjoy, and another: a social history of teenagers pre-1950 from the bargain rack. Then I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond. We are putting together a graduation gift for Neil Butler, who leaves high school behind this year and is off to the wilds :-) of Savannah in the fall for college. We have already bought him something goofy and something he will like, and for the rest I wanted to get him things to use in the dorm. BB&B had a great sale on something he will need, plus I was able to use a $10 off $30+ purchase coupon, so I was able to get something nicer than I had originally planned. I also used a Michael's coupon to get him something else useful and picked up a little thing in Office Depot when I stopped to get a new toner cartridge for my laser printer. (We print so little that the "starter" cartridge has lasted at least three years.) I had to stop back at Trader Joe's when I realized I had forgotten to pick up my favorite friseé and baby greens, and then stopped briefly at Hallmark for a graduation card and a mother's day trinket. I came home through "the back" (Lower Roswell to Terrell Mill to Powers Ferry), which is shorter with less traffic and that's when I hit Michael's and Office Depot. My last stop was at Dollar General, where I didn't find what I wanted, but did get three mystery books for a dollar each, and Food Depot for sugarless ice cream bars. Got home well ahead of the thunderstorm which is now making Willow woof and beating a tattoo on the chimney guard, and after that nice salami and baguette sandwich, am going to watch Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years. Labels: books, friends, movies, shopping, television, weather, work, yard |