![]() Nostalgia, DVDs, old movies, television, OTR, fandom, good news and bad, picks, pans, cute budgie stories, cute terrier stories, and anything else I can think of. Contact me at theyoungfamily (at) earthlink (dot) net . . . . . . . . . .
» Thursday, July 20, 2006
Thursday Threesome Onesome: Cooked to?-- Okay, the easy one: if you're having grilled meat (steak/hamburger) this weekend, how would you like it cooked? I want a nice T-bone, please, cooked medium rare and then smothered in sauteed onions. (James makes lovely onions, but he doesn't make them the way my mom did. She slowly cooked and cooked them in a little Mazola corn oil and when they were done they were soft enough to spread on the steak like peanut butter. Mmmmmnnnnn...) Twosome: Medium-- to large? ...too large? What do you think of the big ol' plasma screen HDTVs available now? I mean, would you if you could? The first time I saw a plasma, it was a 50 inch and I was bowled over. It looked like a movie screen. I don't think we could comfortably fit anything larger than 42 inches, though, and I don't want a plasma; I hear they give out after so many years. What I really want is an LCDeven better picture than the plasma, if you can imagine that. Threesome: Rare-- Footage: one of the major news services recently announced they would make archived news coverage available for personal purchase on DVD. Is there any one piece/segment/area of old news (or new) you'd like to have on your bookshelf to view "whenever"? Oh.my.God. I want all NBC's coverage of the space program/moon landings (Mercury, Gemini, Apollo), complete with their neat music. (I'd take CBS's coverage with Cronkite, too, but I grew up on the NBC coverage.) I mean...Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, John Chancellor, Frank McGee...man! Does anyone, anywhere, have a fan page or salute or pictures or something about the moon coverage???? And even though I don't want commercials, could I just have one as an extrathe Exxon "Bantry Bay" commercial, please, just for the song???? (And now I'm wondering...was it Exxon? Maybe it was Gulf. But I do remember the song.) (Oh, gad, imagine watching it all on a 42 inch LCD...) How far back does this "archived news coverage" go? Does it include newsreels? Do they have the Kennedy assassination coverage? John Glenn? Sputnik? Stuff about the Andrea Doria? Hurricane Carol? Gulp...the Hurricane of '38? |