![]() Nostalgia, DVDs, old movies, television, OTR, fandom, good news and bad, picks, pans, cute budgie stories, cute terrier stories, and anything else I can think of. Contact me at theyoungfamily (at) earthlink (dot) net . . . . . . . . . .
» Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Keeping Busy
It's been an interesting ::cough:: five days. I had my usual Friday off. Was feeling rather tired from the rush at work and slept in then did some housework before going out to spend a few coupons (needed Scotch tape and boring stuff like that). I had a $5 Borders coupon that expired that day, so I purchased the Monk episode guide book (which is also a behind-the-scenes to the series). Enjoyable if you are a Monk fan. Anyway, I finally got notice from Network Solutions that they were turning loose my domain registration and transferring it to the new registrar. I had already set up webspace for each of the subdomains and had uploaded the files to about half of them. While I was on chat the domain transfer took place, but it was very erratic (domains take about 48 hours to propagate properly). So sometimes I could see the new pages and sometimes I could see the old; I could see half the subdomains and then all of them would be gone. The weirdest thing was that the people I was talking to on chat could see the new site and I was seeing the old one! Anyway, while I could see the sites I was uploading the rest of the files. So between one thing and another we didn't go to bed until 4 a.m. This would have been okay except we got a phone call about 8:30 the next morning that Hair Day had been rescheduled. James really needed a haircut, so we got up and went. Then I wanted to go to JoAnn because all their Garden Gate material was 70 percent off (actually it was 80% when we got there) and I wanted to pick up a few things for our yard project in the fall. Then more errands and finally we were on our way to the Lawsons for game night/fireworks in the driveway. It was loads of fun, but boy, were we tired! Made up for it a little on Sunday and had lunch at Ikea as a treat, but still had to finish all the food chores for our party on Tuesday. Willow has been a nervous wreck since the people next door moved in. They have a Weimaraner and she can hear it barking. I took her out Thursday when I got home from work, the dog let out a big woof, and she clapped her tail between her legs and tried to flee back to the house. By dint of encouraging her and patting her I got her to perform the necessary bodily functions. The Weimaraner obviously was not used to being left alone in the yard and once he got over alert-barking came and sniffed under the neighbors' fence. Willow approached the big nose hesitantly and was within a half inch of sniffing it when she retreated. He was very friendly and I'm sure just lonesome, and would have been friends with her in half-a-minute if she'd let him, but she was just too frightened. Anyway, I figure the sound and scent of the dog is what's made her so erratic all weekend. (Ironically the neighbors were away all weekend, but she was still sniffing suspiciously for that dog!) Sunday night not only was I having trouble sleeping because of hot flashes, but then Willow started to bark. This was about 3:30. A half hour later she pushed her way through the books in one of the bottom compartments of the Expedit and wandered in our bedroom, where she can't stay because of my allergy. So James led her back to the dining room, checked that she had water and soothed her a bit, and replaced the books and blocked the square with a wastebasket and his computer chair. She barked again. And again. So at work yesterday I was operating on about three hours sleep already. Then almost the moment I sat down my wonky digestive system began acting up. Let's say I didn't worship the porcelain god, but I was getting really close and there were other problems below. The rest goes under "too much information." I could have made it through one or the other, but not both, especially since it was 83°F in my cubicle (they shut the A/C off during the weekend and it has been in the 90s) even with my fan blowing directly on me. I surrendered about 10:30, came home, swallowed more Pepto Bismol, and crawled on the futon in the spare bedroom where it is the coolest and slept for the next five hours. Later on and this morning James helped me tidy up and we got a few more things, and had folks over this evening for a cookout. Great time: we had people watching Sci-Fi's Twilight Zone marathon in the living room, others chatting and singing old songs and telling stories in the dining room, and the kids watching Narnia in the guest room. Willow was much calmer than she was at the housewarming and I think actually enjoyed herself (especially when Betty saved her a nice piece of steak!). Oh, yes, and we also had our annual viewing of 1776, interrupted by an absolutely spectacular space shuttle launch! But boy, we're wiped now. |