Nostalgia, DVDs, old movies, television, OTR, fandom, good news and bad, picks, pans, cute budgie stories, cute terrier stories, and anything else I can think of. Contact me at theyoungfamily (at) earthlink (dot) net . . . . . . . . . .
» Thursday, May 04, 2006
Thursday Threesome Onesome: Wuthering-- What kind of word is that anyway? Do you have a word you think is just strange? "Kangaroo" comes to mind <g>... Goodness, who could list them all? How about the word for fear of the number thirteen? "Triskaidekaphobia." Now there's a weird word. In a related question, have you ever stared at one word so long that it starts to look weird? It can even be a simple word, like "louse" or "silver." Twosome: Heights-- Are you afraid of them or can you dance along the rooftop coping like a character in a movie? No, I'm afraid of heights, but not to the point where I can't go up somewhere high as long as it looks like there is support. I hate getting up high on ladders, for instance, because then the rungs are below me and it looks as if I just tip backward a bit and I will fall. But I have no trouble going up on places like the Empire State Building or the John Hancock Tower and looking down; in fact it's fun. I have the floor under me and in back of me and it's okay. Threesome: (and lows)-- What kind of insect or bug sends you low and scurrying? Do spiders do that to you? Wasps? ...or do you just squish everything that "bugs" you? I'm not scared of ants as much as I just don't want the little buggers in my house. Roaches, on the other hand, are just creepy looking. Wasps scare me because I've never been stung and because James is hideously allergic to them; he carries a sting pen he has to jam into his thigh if he ever gets stung by a bee or wasp and then it's call 911 ASAP. What really grosses me out are worms. Yes, I know, worms are perfectly harmless. They aerate the soil and help things grow better. They don't bite or sting. I still think they are nauseating to look at. I put on Farmer's Almanac TV last night and they were showing little kids in a nature class learning about worms. I had to turn it off. At that age I would have gone screaming inside to my mother. |