![]() Nostalgia, DVDs, old movies, television, OTR, fandom, good news and bad, picks, pans, cute budgie stories, cute terrier stories, and anything else I can think of. Contact me at theyoungfamily (at) earthlink (dot) net . . . . . . . . . .
» Monday, January 28, 2002
I'm home for another week. The foot is still not strong enough to bear my weight without hurting for more than 10-12 steps, and, more importantly, it's not safe for me to drive in rush hour traffic. I spent the night thinking about having to brake hard in one of those foolish and inevitable Atlanta traffic jams and either hurting the foot badly or rear-ending the car in front of me. I can just see me explaining to a policeman--and my insurance company!--that I was driving with a bum ankle. Can you say "driving to endanger"? I knew you could.
Sigh. Have I mentioned that the dog is afraid of flies? This is tremendously odd because she is a prodigious bug hunter. Our den is the former garage and directly on ground level, so the ubiquitious palmetto bugs and crickets can skitter in whenever the door is opened (and sometimes under it). All one has to do is scream and point at the bug and Willow is on it in flash. She plays with it "until it's broken," then rolls in it and...ugh...usually eats it. Ah, well, as long as it's not in my house. But last spring she developed a fear of horseflies that borders on the pathological. I think one that she was chasing stung her. Now the moment she sees a fly she will cower and whine and roll her eyes until she knows it is gone...or until we kill the creature and show it to her. One day she was walling her eyes and crying at the door. It turned out that while doing some crafts I had gotten a blob of dark paint on one of the slats of the miniblinds, the same size and shape as a fly! I had to scrape it off before she had any peace. Tonight the poor thing flipped out at a ladybug. I don't ordinarily kill ladybugs since they are aphid-eaters, but I had to fetch this one down from the lampshade and let her kill it before she had any peace of mind. Bizarre... |